Friday, February 28, 2014

Spring Break 1: from Athens, OH, to Washington, D.C.

Feb 28, 2014. 6:17 a.m. Airport shuttle from Athens to Columbus. Lights are off, so no reading. In my ear, Jack Kerouac makes fun of old Westerns. Inefficient heat, so my feet are still cold from -14°C that I had to face to get to my ride. 6:23, hesitant sunrise in the East. We pass that medium security prison situated on a woody hillside like some mountain spa hotel with searchlights and barb wire fences. 

10:37.  Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington, D.C. From Columbus to here, a good flight through clear skies. Flew over the Virginias, and probably a bit of Pennsylvania. Perfect view on suburbs of Columbus and D.C., on what appeared to be a frozen lake, weirdly shaped, and on what could only be a quite flat part of the Appalachian Mountains. Below, some evidence.

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